Psychomotor activity and cognitive processes in stimulating the creative behaviour of younger schoolchildren

Кочерга, Олександр Васильович and Черпак, Юрій Васильович and Пазюк, Світлана Андріївна (2023) Psychomotor activity and cognitive processes in stimulating the creative behaviour of younger schoolchildren European humanities studies: State and Society (4). pp. 61-84. ISSN 2450-6486

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The article reveales the ways contributing to building the individual educational path of schoolchildren for their self-realization through the stimulation of creative behaviour. This process is based on the support of psychomotor activity of psychophysiological processes in primary school students, as active physical activity and play is the cornerstone for successful development of their abilities, cognitive ones in particular. Unfortunately, even during the child's preschool age, there is a significant reduction in the amount and quality of his/her motor activity, which causes hypodynamia. The distribution of time between learning and physical activity is done mainly in favor of learning as the leading typeof activity due to the limitation of the child's physical activity. However, the latter is decisive for the successful building and development of the body's psychophysiological systems (physical, physiological, mental). Long hours of studying, reduced motor activity, significant static workload, new responsibilities - all these are significant challenges for a 6-year-old child, which in many children lead to "school stress", the main cause of which is the insufficient level of physical activity and children's staying in static states. Such disproportionality creates conditions for the occurrence of hypodynamia in the child's growing body, causes problems for future physical and, accordingly, mental health, inhibiting the development and energy support of the entire body.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: psychomotor; cognitive processes; vestibular apparatus; sensitivity; psychophysiological processes; balancing board
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Index Copernicus
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Інститут післядипломної освіти > Кафедра дошкільної та початкової освіти
Depositing User: Людмила Іванівна Меленець
Date Deposited: 24 Dec 2024 10:19
Last Modified: 24 Dec 2024 10:19

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