Proactive coping response of students of higher education. Verification of the adaptation of the Ukrainian version of the questionnaire of reactions to daily events (PCIukr) among first-year students of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

Волощенко, Юрій Миколайович (2024) Proactive coping response of students of higher education. Verification of the adaptation of the Ukrainian version of the questionnaire of reactions to daily events (PCIukr) among first-year students of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University Спортивна наука та здоров'я людини (2 (12)). ISSN 2664-2069

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Introduction. When studying the students' proactive coping reactions, famous scientists mainly use the Proactive Coping Inventory, PCI. A review of available Internet sources shows that such a study is taking place in Ukraine for the first time. The purpose of the study is to check the reliability of the Ukrainian version of the Proactive Coping Inventory (PCIukr) for students of higher education of the first (bachelor) level and to compare it with other studies regarding its validity. Material and methods. With their consent, 404 students of higher education who studied in the first year of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University were examined. The age of the examinees was 17-18 years, 80.3% were women, 19.7% were men. The survey was conducted using the Ukrainian version of the Proactive Coping Inventory (PCIukr), the translation and previous research on its adequacy for the Ukrainian-speaking environment are our own. IBM SPSS Statistics software was used for statistical data processing. The results. The connections of the elements of the correlation matrix with high statistical significance (indicator/determinant of the matrix = 1.36E-009) were studied. Additional tests indicate sufficient adequacy (Kaiser-Meier-Olkin test =0.879) and high sphericity (Bartlett's test =7835.315, p<0.001) of the sample. Cronbach's alpha, which is a reliability coefficient and a measure of the internal consistency of the items — for the subscales "proactive coping scale," "reflective coping scale" and "preventive coping scale" is good and is 0.833, 0.801 and 0.800, respectively; for the subscales "strategic planning scale," "instrumental support seeking scale," "emotional support seeking scale" and "avoidance coping scale" is acceptable and is 0.743, 0.796, 0.762 and 0.698, respectively. Conclusions. The established values of the criteria of reliability and structural validity of the Ukrainian version of the Proactive Coping Inventory (PCIukr) testify to its acceptable psychometric properties for the case study of students. The Ukrainian version of the Proactive Coping Inventory, PCIukr scale can be recommended for use in the Ukrainian-speaking social environment to study the proactive coping response of higher education students.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: assessment; Proactive Coping Inventory; PCI; PCIukr; proactive coping response; reactions to daily events; students of higher education; Ukrainian language; validation
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет здоров’я, фізичного виховання і спорту > Кафедра спорту та фітнесу
Depositing User: Юрій Миколайович Волощенко
Date Deposited: 24 Dec 2024 10:41
Last Modified: 24 Dec 2024 10:41

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