Modern approaches to the methodology of teaching English in the context of translation studies

Копосов, Дмитро Юрійович and Гармаш, О.Л. and Чухно, Т.В (2024) Modern approaches to the methodology of teaching English in the context of translation studies Інноваційна педагогіка, 1 (71). pp. 46-50. ISSN 2663-6085

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In the history of English language teaching methodology, some practitioners and scholars prefer to use translation in language learning, while others firmly reject translation methods due to the belief in the harmfulness of using translation-based approaches to foreign language education. However, there is no convincing empirical research that definitively proves this. Despite the opposition between advocates and opponents of using translation in language classes, translation can be a useful tool if used properly and purposefully. Modern methodological science is aimed at finding a balanced approach to the use of translation in teaching English. The aim of the article is to identify modern effective approaches to English language teaching methodology in the context of translation studies. Achieving this goal involves summarizing modern foreign and domestic scientific works on the research topic, identifying translation methods and techniques that have empirically proven their effectiveness in experimental studies and in the practice of teaching a foreign language. The authors of the article argue that translation plays an effective role in facilitating the processes of learning and studying a foreign language, particularly English. Both domestic and foreign authors highlight the following main areas in which translation is useful and methodologically justified: 1) explaining new words and phrases; 2) explaining grammatical issues, teaching idiomatic and culturally related expressions; 3) explaining excerpts read; 4) working on errors related to obstacles in understanding the target language or a lack of verbal means for full content transmission in one of the language pairs; 5) checking reading and listening comprehension (reading and listening); 6) explaining classroom activities. It is important to adhere to the principle that translation is a last-resort collaboration format and encourages students to understand the content of the text from context. Further research should be organized towards experimentally determining the impact of using translation during the study of the English language.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: English language teaching method; foreign language; education seekers; translation; translation studies; direct method of teaching a foreign language; native language; facilitation; communicative approach
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра іноземних мов і методик їх навчання
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 24 Dec 2024 11:54
Last Modified: 24 Dec 2024 11:54

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