Мовні засоби вираження поради в англійських лицарських романах XII–XV ст

Гродський, Ігор Ярославович (2015) Мовні засоби вираження поради в англійських лицарських романах XII–XV ст Мовознавчий вісник: зб. наук. пр.. pp. 126-131. ISSN 978-966-493-306-0

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The article seeks to highlight the characteristics of the speech act of advice in the Middle English romances. The research performed results in the identification of advice’s communicative and pragmatic content, in the definition of non-verbal factors which influence the functioning of speech act, in the definition of the successful conditions and the reasons for additional semantic, stylistic and pragmatic characteristics that are imposed on the primary meaning of acts. It was ascertained that the advice in the Middle English romances is specified as noncategorical speech act, which is directed at inducing the listener to perform some concrete and useful act in future. The analysis of language data reveals that the linguistic means (specialized and unspecialized) that are used by speakers to express their declaration of advice; regularity of the choice according to the communicative aim was established and the illocutionary potential of advice was defined. It has been shown that within the bounds of pragmatic paradigm advice can be regarded as a directive speech act characterized by benefactive orientation, equal relations between interlocutors, non-obligatory realization of advice. It has been also established that the communicative situation of advice includes both compulsory components (the subject and object of advice, advice itself, the assessment of advice, the reaction to advice) and the facultative ones (a request for advice, an inquiry about the permission to give advice, argumentation).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: middle English romance; request; speech act; a communicative situation; a directive; illocutionary force; perlocutionary effect
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Кафедра англійської мови
Depositing User: Ігор Гродський
Date Deposited: 01 Dec 2015 09:18
Last Modified: 01 Dec 2015 09:18
URI: https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/11406

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