Implications of total quality management in Ukrainian higher education institutions: international experience

Горбань, Олександр Володимирович and Купрій, Тетяна Георгіївна and Мартич, Руслана Василівна and Панасюк, Леонід Валерійович (2020) Implications of total quality management in Ukrainian higher education institutions: international experience Науковий вісник національного гірничого університету (2). pp. 126-130. ISSN 2071-2227

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Purpose. Analyzing the features of the implications of total quality management in the educational policy of Ukraine. The implication of total quality management is an important component of the educational policy of the world’s leading countries. Its implementation into Ukraine’s educational policy is a prerequisite for increasing the effectiveness of reforming the management of higher educational institutions in Ukraine. Methodology. The authors used the comparative approach as the main research method. This allowed exploring the meanings of the key terms of educational policy: “quality of education”, which is used in normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and “total quality management”, which is used in the directives that determine the educational policy of the world’s leading countries. The use of empirical and theoretical research methods, such as analysis, synthesis, classification, modeling, and others, helped the authors establish the difference and general principles between the two terms. Findings. In modern research, education is regarded as a behavioral model in which management models play an important role. The authors studied the history of interpreting the meanings of the term “total quality management” (TQM), as well as the features of its implication in the educational policy of Ukraine aimed at reforming the management of higher education institutions. Originality. Taking into account the international experience, it was proved that the implications of total quality management in Ukraine’s educational policy would significantly increase the effectiveness of reforming the quality of education in Ukraine. It is with the implication of total quality management that the international experience in reforming the management of higher edu­ cation institutions in European Union countries, the USA, Japan, etc. is associated. Practical value. The implication of total quality management enriches the educational policy of Ukraine with international experience in reforming the management of higher education institutions of the world’s leading countries. The reform of 659 higher­ education institutions, which is currently carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, is based on interna­ tional managerial experience that proved its effectiveness in building the economy of Japan, the USA and other countries, and especially in achieving strong outcomes in international university rankings. The implication of international experience will allow the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to avoid irreparable errors in reforming the management of higher education institutions with rich history and established traditions, which together form the identity of Ukrainian science and education.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: total quality management; quality of education; Ukrainian higher education institutions; educational policy; management reform
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Scopus
Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет суспільно-гуманітарних наук > Кафедра філософії та релігієзнавства
Depositing User: професор Олександр Володимирович Горбань
Date Deposited: 22 May 2020 05:25
Last Modified: 26 May 2021 07:19

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