Methodological features of studying the subject "algorithms i performers" in primary school

Шкуренко, Олександра Вікторівна and Смик, А.О. (2024) Methodological features of studying the subject "algorithms i performers" in primary school Молодий вчений (7(131)). ISSN 2313-2167

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The article highlights the main methodical approaches to the formation of algorithmic thinking of elementary school students. Attention is focused on the importance of forming algorithmic thinking in children of primary school age as a basis for further study of informatics and solving complex problems. The method of familiarizing students with the concept of algorithms, the use of algorithms in primary school is described. The basic principles of teaching algorithms are revealed, including the use of game technologies, interactive tasks, and practical examples that promote student engagement and increase motivation to learn the top-ic. A list of tasks for the development of algorithmic thinking without using a computer has been selected. The stages of the teacher's work in the process of forming algorithmic thinking are described. The formation of algorithmic thinking in elementary school provides not only an understanding of the concept of "algorithm", algorithmic structures, the ability to execute ready-made algorithms, analyze the content of tasks and transfer the acquired knowledge and skills to everyday situations, but also the ability to plan rational own activities, design a sequence of actions for effective achieving the set goal, predicting the consequences. Acquiring the ap-propriate skills of algorithmic thinking, working with a computer and compiling algorithms by students is one of the main tasks of primary education in learning the basics of computer science. Because it is at an early age that basic knowledge, skills and abilities are established, which in the future are easier for children to develop and more confidently assimilate new educational material in elementary and high school. An important compo-nent of the pedagogical process is the formation and development of algorithmic thinking. To help students to reveal themselves, fully express themselves, develop initiative, independence, creativity. Informatics provides a basic prerequisite for the development of algorithmic thinking through a system of exercises, exceptional clarity and accuracy of the algorithmic concept when solving problems, performing operations on a computer. There are many different computer programs that, when conducting regular developmental classes and sys-tematically organized interesting tasks, create favorable conditions for the formation of algorithmic thinking in children. They contribute to the development of such qualities as independence, which is manifested in an active and proactive search for solutions to problems, in a deep and comprehensive analysis of their conditions, in critical discussion and justification of solutions, in preliminary planning and playing various options for the implementation of a solution. The focus of the study is on the use of online services in computer science classes when studying the topic "Algorithms". Online services allow teachers to diversify the educational process, in-crease students' motivation and provide them with a deeper understanding of the material. And they also open many opportunities for interactive learning, development of digital skills and collaboration in the classroom. Based on the analysis of the curriculum, existing computer science textbooks, a guide for teachers has been developed, which provides ideas and inspiration for the successful implementation of electronic educational resources for programming, as well as to promote the active use of online services in classes. This textbook contains a description of online services, with the help of which the development of algorithmic thinking in stu-dents is possible; tasks and games in each software environment; task assembly without the use of a computer.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: elementary school; computer science; algorithmic thinking; algorithm; online programming services.
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Divisions: Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра початкової освіти
Depositing User: Олена Іванівна Агоста
Date Deposited: 25 Nov 2024 09:43
Last Modified: 25 Nov 2024 09:43

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