Effectiveness of communication impact strategies through the use of gamification in media

Гондюл, Олександра Дмитрівна (2024) Effectiveness of communication impact strategies through the use of gamification in media Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету імені В.І. Вернадського. Серія: Філологія. Журналістика, 5(2) (35(74)). pp. 207-217. ISSN 2710-4656

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The relevance of the study is determined by the growing dependence of the modern media space on innovative approaches to audience engagement, particularly through the use of digital technologies. The article examines the use of gamification as a tool of communicative influence in journalism, which enhances information retention and fosters an emotional connection between the media consumer and the content. At the same time, it has been established that gamification can introduce risks of emotional manipulation and oversimplification of complex topics, which may negatively impact the critical perception of information by the audience. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of communicative strategies using gamification in journalism and to analyze their impact on audience engagement. The research methods include content analysis of journalistic materials incorporating gamification elements, as well as the evaluation of audience reactions to such materials. Various strategies are considered to identify the most effective methods of audience engagement. The results of the study show that gamification significantly increases emotional engagement and promotes interactive interaction with content. It has been revealed that the most effective strategies combine gamification with a cognitive-evaluative approach, allowing the audience to better comprehend complex information. However, it has been proven that excessive use of gamification may lead to oversimplification of topics and emotional manipulation. In conclusion, it is emphasized that gamification is an effective tool for enhancing communicative influence, but its application requires careful balancing to avoid manipulative practices. It has been established that interactive elements should contribute to a deeper understanding of the topic rather than merely entertaining the audience. The prospects for further research are related to studying the long-term effects of gamification strategies on public opinion formation, as well as developing new approaches to interactive journalism that ensure effective communication and adherence to ethical standards.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: gamification; communication strategies; digital technologies; impact on the audience.
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет журналістики > Кафедра міжнародної журналістики
Depositing User: Олександра Дмитрівна Гондюл
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2024 08:51
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2024 08:51
URI: https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/50724

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