Application of modern online services in order to develop speech of primary school pupils

Дубовик, Світлана Григоріївна and Семеній, Наталія Олегівна (2024) Application of modern online services in order to develop speech of primary school pupils «Вісник науки та освіти (Серія «Філологія», Серія «Педагогіка», Серія «Соціологія», Серія «Культура і мистецтво», Серія «Історія та археологія»)» (5(23)). pp. 232-245. ISSN 2786-6165

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The article deals with the specifics of using modern online services for the development of primary school students' speech. These are: WordArt, Tagxedo, Word It Out, Wordclouds, Mentimeter, Quizlet, Study Stack. These services offer a wide range of opportunities for the development of primary school students' speech. They can be used to create interesting and engaging tasks that will help students learn better and develop their language skills. The paper substantiates the feasibility and necessity of using such services in the educational process of primary school for the development of primary school students' speech, and identifies their main advantages. For the development of oral communication, online services such as WordArt, Tagxedo, Wordclouds and Mentimeter can be used to help create interesting and attractive material that will encourage students to express their own thoughts and impressions. Word It Out, Wordclouds, and Quizlet help students learn new words, phrases, and grammar rules. Word It Out, Quizlet and Study Stack, in addition to the above features, can create interesting and engaging writing tasks. Digital technologies provide primary school teachers with many opportunities to improve the effectiveness of Ukrainian language teaching. These include: individualisation of learning (includes consideration of students' abilities and needs); learning dynamics (provides an opportunity to use interactive lessons, presentations, videos and games); learning effectiveness (allows to improve the learning process by diversifying tasks for the development of students' speech). To understand the level of perception of these online services, we conducted input and output monitoring with 2nd year students majoring in Primary Education. Its final results demonstrate the understanding and ease of perception and use of the proposed online services by students. The monitoring has shown that the use of modern online services in the educational process helps to diversify the forms and methods of teaching, making it more effective and interesting for students.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: online services; digital competence; information and communication technologies in education; speech development; language and literary education; primary school
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра початкової освіти
Depositing User: Олена Іванівна Агоста
Date Deposited: 19 Jun 2024 07:57
Last Modified: 19 Jun 2024 07:57

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