Items where Subject is "Web of Science"
- Теми Київського столичного університету імені Бориса Грінченка (11)
- Статті у базах даних (67)
- Web of Science (42)
- Статті у базах даних (67)
Bosa, Vita and Marieiev, D. and Balalaieva, O. and Krokhmal, A. and Solovei, A. (2024) Implementation of virtual reality in foreign language teaching Amazonia investiga, 13 (73). pp. 187-199. ISSN 2322-6307
Chesnokova, Anna (2024) Emily Dickinson's Poetic Art: A Cognitive Reading Style (58). pp. 112-117. ISSN 2374-6629
Diachenko, I. and Kalishchuk, Svitlana and Amelina, V. and Heiko, S. and Bulanov, T. (2024) The Influence of Medical Students’ Life Values on their Perception of Future Professional Activity during the Covid-19 Pandemic Current Psychology, 43. ISSN 1936-4733
Glamazda, A.Yu. and Linnik, A.S. and Литвин, Оксана Степанівна and Karachevtsev, V.A. (2024) Low-temperature Raman studies of graphene oxide: Analysis of structural properties AIP Advances, 14 (2). 025033-1-025033-7. ISSN 21583226
Karachevtsev, M.V. and Valeev, V.A. and Литвин, Оксана Степанівна and Karachevtsev, V.A. (2024) Adsorption of poly(rA) in duplex (A-motif) conformation on graphene oxide: spectroscopy and AFM study Applied Physics A, 130 (6). p. 441. ISSN 09478396
Karpyna, V.A. and Ievtushenko, A.I. and Bykov, O.I. and Kolomys, O.F. and Strelchuk, V.V. and Starik, S. and Baturin, V.A. and Karpenko, O.Y. and Литвин, Оксана Степанівна (2024) Argon and oxygen pressure influence on the properties of NiO films deposited by magnetron sputtering in layer-by-layer growth regime Physica B: Condensed Matter, 678. p. 415740. ISSN 09214526
Korbutyak, D.V. and Литвин, Оксана Степанівна and Fedorenko, L.L. and Matiuk, I.M. and Kolomys, O.F. and Oberemok, O.S. and Kulbachynskyi, O.A. and Pylypova, O.V. and Evtukh, A.A. (2024) Photoluminescence spectra of nanocrystalline ZnO films obtained by magnetron deposition technique Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 35 (583). ISSN 09574522
Krasnykov, Y. and Ninyuk, I. and Storozhenko, L. and Marukhlenko, Oksana and Kruhlov, V. (2024) Impact of digital public services on governance efficiency Revista De Estudios Interdisciplinarios En Ciencias Sociales / Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences, 26 (1). pp. 35-51. ISSN 1317-0570; 2343-5763
Lobunets, T. and Vasylevska, H. and Riabenko, H. and Ivashchenko, Oksana and Kazak, Oksana and Klimenko, S. (2024) The management of finances in international projects: optimizing costs and ensuring success through global investments and financial management AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (14(1)). pp. 131-135. ISSN 1804-7890
Meteliuk, Аnna and Sazonova, Y. and Goldmann, E. and Xu, S. and Liutyi, Vadym and Liakh, Tetiana and Spirina, Tetiana and Lekholetova, Maryna and Islam, Z. and Ompad, Danielle C. (2024) The impact of the 2014 military conflict in the east of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea among patients receiving opioid agonist therapies Journal of Substance Use & Addiction Treatment (160). ISSN 2949-8767
Nazarovets, S. and Teixeira da Silva, J. A. (2024) The incidence of 11 movie titles in the titles of Scopus-indexed papers Scientometrics. ISSN 0138-9130
Nazarovets, S. and Teixeira da Silva, J. A. (2024) ChatGPT as an “author”: Bibliometric analysis to assess the validity of authorship Accountability in Research. ISSN 0898-9621
Romanenkova, Julia and Kolosova, N. (2024) Ukrainian Culture After February 24, 2022: A Victim Condemned to War or a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes? Calle 14 revista de investigación en el campo del arte, 36 (19). pp. 454-468.
Shved, Olha and Liakh, Tetiana and Spirina, Tetiana and Lekholetova, Maryna (2024) Psychosocial support for victims of sexual violence during the war in Ukraine: Challenges for social work Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 9 (2). ISSN 2365-1792
Stoliarchuk, Olesia and Binkivska, Kristina and Khrypko, Svitlana and Spudka, I. and Chop, V. and Chornomordenko, I. and Salo, Нanna (2024) Interaction of Digital Trends and Sustainable Development: The role of Contemporary Art European Journal of Sustainable Development, 13 (1). pp. 278-290. ISSN 2239-5938
Stoliarchuk, Olesia and Serhieienkova, Oksana and Khrypko, Svitlana and Prorok, N. and Kalishchuk, Svitlana and Kolinko, Maryna and Binkivska, Kristina (2024) Self-Development as a Vector of Sustainable Development of Society: The Perspective of Ukrainian Students European Journal of Sustainable Development, 13 (1). pp. 428-442. ISSN 2239-6101
Suchikova, Y. and Nazarovets, S. (2024) Redefining sabbaticals: A strategic investment in early career researchers’ futures Policy Futures in Education (0(0)). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1478-2103
Teixeira da Silva, J. A. and Nazarovets, S. (2024) Current Ethics Policies in 36 Preprint Servers: Relevance for Academic Medicine Academic Medicine, 99 (2). pp. 129-130. ISSN 1040-2446
Teixeira da Silva, J. A. and Nazarovets, S. and Carboch, J. and Deutscher, C. and Almeida, C. H. and Webb, T. and Scelles, N. (2024) The video assistant referee in football Sports Engineering, 27 (1). ISSN 1369-7072
Teixeira da Silva, J. A. and Nazarovets, S. and Daly, T. and Kendall, G. (2024) The Chinese Early Warning Journal List: Strengths, weaknesses and solutions in the light of China's global scientific rise The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 50 (4). ISSN 0099-1333
Tretiak, Olha Petrovna and Smolnykova, Halyna Valentinovna and Yakunin, Yaroslav Yuriyovych and Shopina, Maryna Oleksandrivna and Tsybulska, Svitlana and Kuziv, O. (2023) Dialogue-Interaction-Respect as key elements of pedagogical partnership and their significance for the development of teachers' competence International Journal of Education and Information Technologies (17). pp. 118-127. ISSN 2074-1316
Yakovenko, Iryna (2024) The Fictional and the Factual in Alexander J. Motyl’s Who Killed Andrei Warhol: The American Diary of a Soviet Journalist Roczniki Humanistyczne, 72 (11). pp. 119-130. ISSN 0035-7707; 2544-5200
Іванюк, Олег Леонідович (2024) The image of Crimean Tatar women in the travel notes of Russian and European travelers in the late 18th and 19th centuries Східний світ (1). pp. 5-18. ISSN 1682-5268
Бондаренко, Геннадій Леонідович and Голодюк, Л.С. and Біляковська, О.О, and Савош, В. and Буртовий, С. and Федірко, Ж. and Небеленчук, І. (2024) Subjective well-being: essence, psychological and social conditioning, influencing factors during student learning AD Alta: journal of interdisciplinary research, XL (14(01)). pp. 27-32. ISSN 1804-7890
Букрієнко, Андрій Олександрвич and Комарницька, Т.К. and Комісаров, Костянтин Юрійович and Наумова, Ю.С. and Вознюк, Г.А. (2024) Linguistic features of japanese advertising as a cultural phenomenon Ad Alta: journal of interdisciplinary research, 14 (1/XL). pp. 121-127. ISSN 1804-7890, 2464-6733
Білан, В.А. and Перевознюк, В.В. and Касьянова, Олена Миколаївна and Коршевнюк, Т.В. and Мізюк, В.А. (2024) Cultivating critical thinking in student learning: teaching strategies and educational methods Journal of interdisciplinary research (14). pp. 38-42. ISSN 2464-6733
Вертугіна, Валентина Миколаївна and Кичук, Я.В. and Халло, О. and Рудюк, Т.В. and Галаєвська, Л.В. and Воробець, О. (2024) Formation of reflective competence of future specialists in the educational process in higher education institutions AD ALTA: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research (14(01)). pp. 203-208. ISSN 1804-7890
Вишнівська, Наталія Володимирівна and Журба, К. and Меленець, Людмила Іванівна and Третяк, Ольга Петрівна and Смольникова, Галина Валентинівна and Федорова, Ю. and Цибульська, Світлана Михайлівна (2024) Variability of the understanding of the phenomenon of "happiness" in scientific works and student experience AD ALTA. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, XL (14(01)). pp. 16-20. ISSN 1804-7890; 2464-6733
Дика, Наталія Михайлівна and Третяк, Ольга Петрівна and Якунін, Ярослав Юрійович and Шопіна, Марина Олександрівна and Горобець, Світлана Іванівна and Розінкевич, Наталія Василівна (2024) The role of interactive platforms in enhancing self-motivation during distance postgraduate studies Eduweb-revista de tecnologia de informacion y comunicacion en educacion (v.18№2). pp. 50-62. ISSN 1856-7576
Жигун, Сніжана Віталіївна (2024) Stories of our Grandmothers: How Modern Ukrainian Women's Literature Deconstructs the Soviet Myth about the Great Patriotic War Balkanistic Forum (2). pp. 84-101. ISSN 1310-3970
Житар, Максим Олегович and Gruzina, I. and Kanova, O. and Kozyrieva, O. and Kinas, I. (2024) Substantiating the Influence of the Results of a Competent Organization's Functioning on the Efficiency of the National Economy Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice (1(54)). pp. 403-420.
Казак, Оксана Олексіївна and Сулима, Мар'яна Олександрівна (2024) The impact of events after the reporting date on the financial position and performance of banks Academy review (1). pp. 80-92. ISSN 2074-5354
Качур, Ірина Ігорівна (2024) Existentialist Motifs of Alienation and Death in McCarthy's Border Trilogy Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture (14). pp. 51-69. ISSN 2501-0395; 2501-0395
Кернас, А. and Котломанітова, Г. and Козир, Маргарита Валентинівна and Мироненко, Н. and Соколовська, Світлана Володимирівна and Степанченко, Н. (2024) Professionalization of Pedagogical Activity of Future Teachers, Formation of Communicative Competence as an Aspect of Neuropedagogy BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (15). pp. 74-88. ISSN 2068-0473; 2067-3957
Козак, Людмила Василівна and Popovych, M. and Ivanova, V. and Гаращенко, Лариса Василівна and Teslenko, S. (2024) Teaching professional competence in preschool education Amazonia Investiga, 13 (73). pp. 114-127. ISSN 2322-6307
Котелянець, Н. and Мартін, А. and Чумак, М. and Стецик, С.П. and Шкуренко, Олександра Вікторівна and Шпіца, Роксолана Ігорівна and Січень, Т. (2024) The essence of e-learning: didactic aspect, potential, effects, transformational changes, aspects for improvement in war conditions AD ALTA. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (14(1)). pp. 7-13. ISSN 1804-7890
Локазюк, Олександра Вікторівна and Бойко, В.М. and Попович, Р.О. (2024) Admissible transformations and Lie symmetries of linear systems of second-order ordinary differential equations Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (529). ISSN 0022-247X
Мієр, Тетяна Іванівна and Мачинська, Наталія and Котелянець, Юлія and Мартін, Аліна and Шкуренко, Олександра Вікторівна and Вишнівська, Наталія Володимирівна and Шпіца, Роксолана Ігорівна (2024) Involvement of future teachers in the learning process as a determinant of influence on the orientation of their professional thinking in pedagogical activities AD ALTA. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, XL (14/01). pp. 21-26. ISSN 1804-7890
Руденко, Ніна Миколаївна and Сіранчук, Наталія Миколаївна and Стецик, С.П. and Дубовик, Світлана Григоріївна and Сухопара, Ірина Геннадіївна and Романенко, Людмила Віталіївна and Шпіца, Роксолана Ігорівна (2024) Factors influencing the process of organizing distance learning of students in the conditions of military operations on the territory of Ukraine AD ALTA. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, XL (14/01). pp. 33-38. ISSN 1804-7890; 2464-6733
Шапочкіна, Ольга Володимирівна and Kadubovska, Svitlana and Kishchenko, N. and Hrom, O. and Lazurenko, I. (2024) The Ethno-Philosophical Context of Stative Verbs in the Germanic Languages Balkanistic Forum, XXXIII (1). pp. 1-296. ISSN 1310-3970; 2535-1265
Шапочкіна, Ольга Володимирівна and Коваленко, Валентина Михайлівна and Гайдаш, Анна Владиславівна and Зайченко, Олена В`ячеславівна and Порошина, Валентина Дмитрівна and Сажко, Лілія Антонівна (2024) Evolution of the Verb State Category in Germanic Languages: A Neuroscientific Perspective Revista romaneasca pentru educatie multidimensionala, 16 (3). pp. 386-401. ISSN 2066-7329; 2067-9270
Шкуренко, Олександра Вікторівна and Сухопара, Ірина Геннадіївна and Прошкуратова, Тамара Сергіївна and Шпіца, Роксолана Ігорівна and Стецик, С.П. and Хижна, О.П. and Гончар, Л. (2024) The organization of e-learning in the context of the leading ideas of constructivism, cognitivism and the realization of independence, self-regulated and self-efficacy AD ALTA. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (14(1)). pp. 14-19. ISSN 1804-7890